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The entire UP community rejoiced as officials, led by President Emerlinda R. Román, UPD Chancellor Sergio S. Cao and the Board of Regents represented by the Hon. Nelia T. Gonzales, were joined by students, faculty and alumni in the Pag-iilaw, the annual lighting of Quezon Hall and other key areas on campus that traditionally marks the beginning of the Christmas season in the University. The large crowd that witnessed the event was treated to no little night of music via the program Pag-iilaw sa Pasko 2008: Tanglaw Sentenyal: Mga Tugtuging Pagdiriwang featuring performances from the UP Symphonic Orchestra and the UP Symphonic Band, who played a whole medley of the Christmas songs from local composers to the more familiar holiday tunes. Seen on two giant screens to accommodate the crowds and capped off by a dazzling fireworks display, the night looked to be merely the first in what promised to be the University’s biggest Christmas yet.

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