iskolar ng bayan

Traffic along selected portions of the UP Diliman campus will be rerouted on Wednesday, December 17 to make way for Sunduan-Parada ng mga Parol, the campus’ traditional parade of lanterns.

The Academic Oval and both lanes of the University Avenue from E. Jacinto Street to the Oblation Plaza shall be closed to vehicular traffic from 6 a.m. until midnight.

Schuster Street, located between Vinzons Hall and the former Narra Residence Hall, will be closed to vehicular traffic. Motorists entering the campus from Katipunan Avenue are advised to take Magsaysay Street, located between the Asian Center and the International Center. Motorists exiting the campus to Katipunan Avenue may take Quirino Street, between Narra Residence Hall and the College of Home Economics, which will be opened starting 6 a.m.

Parking spaces have been designated for the parade guests and spectators in the vicinity of the following buildings around the Academic Oval: behind Abelardo Hall at the College of Music; behind the University Theater and the Film Center. Outside the campus core, other parking spaces include areas within the following: School of Urban and Labor Relations; College of Social Work and Community Development; The Marine Science Institute; College of Engineering Library, National Institute of Geological Sciences, Kamia Residence Hall, Sampaguita Residence Hall and the International Center.

Media covering the event may park their vans or vehicles along the University Avenue starting from E. Jacinto Street. A media assistance booth and a medical team will also be set up infront of the University Theater.


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