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Fares for public utility jeeps plying the campus have been reduced by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs (OVCCA) in consideration of the fare changes recently approved by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board.

Fare for IKOT and TOKI jeeps is now P6.00.

For UP Philcoa and Katipunan jeeps, the new rates are as follows: P6.00 for all points within the campus; P6.50 outside UP campus for students and P7.00 for non-students outside the campus.

According to the OVCCA, rates for all points beyond Philcoa and Katipunan will follow the approved FLRTB matrix rate. For inquiries and/or complaints, call OVCCA at 928-2947 or 981-8500 local 2589 or 2590.

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