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In response to the calamity brought about by Typhoon Ondoy, you are enjoined to:
1.Submit an inventory of academic buildings, administrative offices, dormitories and other university structure(s) that may have sustained any damage due to Typhoon Ondoy as soon as possible.

This shall assist the Office of the Campus Architect (OCA) and/or the Campus Maintenance Office (CMO) to implement immediate remediation measures on said structures.

2.Submit an inventory of University personnel affected by Typhoon Ondoy as soon as possible.
This shall assist the University in determining the appropriate administrative support it may extend to concerned personnel.
3.Set-up a college-based/unit-based task force that will extend assistance to co-workers affected by Typhoon Ondoy.

In order to swiftly respond to the needs of co-workers affected by Typhoon Ondoy, colleges and other units are enjoined to set up their respective task force for emergency response. This task force may directly coordinate with the UPD Task Force Ondoy* mobilized by the Office of the Chancellor on Sept. 28, 2009.

*Headed by the VCCA together with Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Elizabeth Enriquez, College of Law Dean Marvic Leonen, Office of Student Activities Director Oscar Ferrer and Office of the Campus Architect Gerard Lico.

Kindly submit contact details of the members of your unit’s task force to the OVCCA as soon as possible (fax: 928-2947; email:

4.Solicit cash or relief goods donations for distribution to affected UP personnel. If resources permit, said donations may also be extended to other victims of Typhoon Ondoy who are not connected with the University.
The following are drop-off points for donations:
- University Student Council Office (Vinzons Hall)
- College of Arts and Letters (CAL)
- College of Mass Communication (CMC)
- College of Social Work and Community Development (CSWCD)
- Student Law Government Lounge, College of Law
- Central drop-off: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs

The OVCCA has mobilized a volunteer corps consisting mostly of varsity athletes, “Ondoy Relief Operations Volunteers,” that may pick up, upon your request, donations from your colleges.Thank you for your cooperation.

Cynthia Grace C. Gregorio
Vice Chancellor for Community AffairsCc:
Office of the Chancellor
Members, UPD Task Force Ondoy

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