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(Diliman Interactive Learning Center)-- "iskWiki!" (, a free online wiki service and a repository of useful information and a medium of productive interactivity for the UPD academic community, will be launched by the Diliman Interactive Learning Center (DILC) on February 16 at 10am.

iskWiki! allows UP constituents to contribute or modify its contents in a straightforward manner. With iskWiki, UP faculty, staff, and students may collaborate on the documentation of projects and other activities, describe their academic research, and post events announcements. Most of its pages are available to the public, but its editing functions are limited only to individuals with UP Webmail accounts.

In line with DILC's mandate to promote interactive learning, this online tool will be launched to get vital information out quickly and collaboratively.

iskWiki! aims to provide the UPD academic community with a means to fill the gap between centrally-controlled websites and web pages that fall outside UPD's control yet provide information about the University. It allows the compilation and revision of web pages containing vital information. Would you know, for instance, all the conference facilities, all food establishments, sports facilities on UP campus? iskWiki! might just give you an up-to-date answer! And if there's no information available on certain topics, you can provide one! Contributing to iskWiki! is like building an online encyclopedia, a catalog, a dictionary, an almanac all at the same time, all in one place.

The launching of the iskWiki! service will feature message webcast from UP President Emerlinda Roman and UPD Chancellor Sergio Cao.

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